Friendship is universal, crossing continents, generations and all other barriers...friendship bracelets are for young and old, teenagers and grandparents, from friend to friend or from boy to girl. You do not need any weaving equipment to make these vibrant Central and South American bracelets. Just learn two basic knots, use a safety pin to keep your work taut, and then knot colorful cotton threads into a host of different patterns. This book shows - row by row in colored easy-to-follow diagrams - how to make twenty-two different designs of bracelet. Using eight to twelve threads per row, create chevrons, stripes, diamonds and many other patterns in a carnival of colors. When you have made your bracelet, tie it on your friend's wrist - he or she will not be able to fasten it without your help - as a lasting token of regard and affection from one person to another. This 64-page softcover book retails for .95.